Safeguarding in the Digital Age, Policies, Procedures and Good Practice (Training course)

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Child safeguarding training course. Free to attend.


  1. About this course
  2. Aims
  3. Learning Outcomes
  4. Who can attend
  5. Book a place and find out more

About this course

This course is for staff who:

  • work with children and young people
  • are not fully aware of trends and current patterns in online behaviour
  • are not fully aware of how we can put measures in place to protect children and young people online
  • are the lead person in your organisation for e-safeguarding
  • have responsibility for production and implementation of policies and procedures with respect of digital safeguarding
  • are responsible for making sure that staff in your area are aware of their professional responsibility in respect to their online presence, particularly with respect to social networking


The aim of the course is to develop an understanding of the risks to children and staff created by the use of digital technology.

This includes the:

  • internet
  • mobile technology
  • social networking

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the session participants will be able to:

  • Understand online threats to children and young people through a variety of forms
  • Understand how to protect children in a digital world
  • Understand how to protect professional integrity online
  • Demonstrate an awareness of the responsibilities of a lead person for e-safeguarding in a team or organisation
  • Demonstrate an awareness of the range of policies and procedures required, including why they are necessary

This course is ran by Mike Hamilton, Strategic ICT Manager

Who can attend

Anyone working with children, adults and families in South Tyneside can apply for a place.

Book a place and find out more

This course is free to attend.

For information on how to book a place on one of our courses, and for more information:

Attending a course

Other times on Saturday 22 February

There are no further occurrences on this date