Outstanding Result for South Tyneside Nursery
This article is over 2 years old. Information may be out of date.
The Council-run Stanleys at Bede has now been rated as Outstanding in all areas, providing further evidence that the Council is delivering on its priority of supporting families.
The inspector described the nursery as a "well-organised" and "exciting" place where children flourish and managers have high expectations for each child.
Her report adds: "Staff observe and assess children's progress very well. They show a
comprehensive knowledge of children's individual learning and development needs. The support for all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, is highly effective.
"Staff work closely with other professionals and take on board any suggestions that they make, to help with children's development. This inclusive approach helps all children to achieve their full potential."
The inspector also commends the excellent teaching skills of staff, strong partnership working with parents and the behaviour of children.
In her report she adds: "Children behave extremely well and respond to prompts from staff quickly. Staff have recently focused on golden rules with children. In particular, they focused on being kind. This has helped children to develop high levels of respect for each other. They are more caring towards their friends."
Parent Lesley Shaw, whose son Daniel Costella attends the nursery, has nothing but praise for the staff.
She said: "Both my sons who have additional needs, one more complex than the other, have attended Stanleys at Bede over the last four years. We have worked together to help them both to reach their full potential and ensure they were fully prepared for their next journey to school.
"I can't thank the staff enough for all their help. Me and my boys would not be where we are now without their support. "
The nursery cares for 28 two to four-year-olds.
"We know that providing the right building blocks in early years is key to encouraging children to flourish in their educational journey which is why this result is so very important."