LGBT+ campaign


  1. Overview
  2. About the campaign
  3. Resources for schools
  4. Information and support
  5. South Tyneside Young People's Parliament


LGBT+ is lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (plus).

Some people are LGBT+. Everyone is worthy of respect.

About the campaign

In 2017 South Tyneside Youth Council ran a campaign to raise awareness of LGBT+ issues for young people.

They explored the theme through a series of events, collecting young people's views and identifying any issues or concerns.

For more information read the LBGT+ Campaign Report.

Resources for schools

LGBT+ posters

LGBT+ poster

LGBT+ Standards for Schools

Information and support

You might be questioning your sexual orientation or gender identity, you might already identify as LGBT+, or you may want to know more information about LGBT+ to support a friend, family member or others in the community.

Below are some links that you might find helpful:

South Tyneside Young People's Parliament

For more information about STYPP visit South Tyneside Youth Council or contact

You can keep up to date with the work of South Tyneside Youth Council and our campaigns, as well as all the other groups and opportunities offered by the Participation team on: